Protegen Ingles

Main purpose of the processing: to establish, maintain and manage the pre-contractual or contractual, shareholder and/or commercial relationship between you and PROTEGEN.
Legitimate basis: the data will be processed mainly on the basis of the performance of the service contract between you and PROTEGEN, compliance with a legal obligation, obtaining consent and legitimate interest.
Data recipients:
        -Third parties to whom PROTEGEN is obliged to transmit information, such as public authorities, law enforcement agencies, judges and courts, in order to comply with the requirements of such authorities and applicable regulations, where applicable.
        -Companies within the business group to which PROTEGEN belongs, as a result of the centralization of administrative and IT processes within PROTEGEN.
Data protection rights: you may revoke at any time the consent granted for the processing of personal data by PROTEGEN, as well as exercise, if you are interested in it, your rights of access, rectification, updating and deletion, as well as not to be subject to automated decisions, as indicated in the section “Your Data Protection Rights” of our Privacy Policy.

Additional Information

1. Responsible for the treatment 

1.1. Data of the Data Controller 

This document governs the privacy policy of the PROTEGEN website (hereinafter, the “Website”).
Protegen provides a wide range of electronic alarm and camera monitoring services. For your information, the following is the identification data of the company:
Address: Avenida Don Bosco 1019, Bahia Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires.

1.2. Scope 

This privacy policy regulates the data processing carried out by PROTEGEN in relation to the users of PROTEGEN’s corporate Website. The above would cover the processing of personal data of (i) suppliers and/or potential suppliers; (ii) customers and/or potential customers; and/or (iii) shareholders; who access or transmit information through the Website. Therefore, this privacy policy reflects the information relating to the processing with respect to the different categories of data subjects indicated.

2. Purposes and Legitimation

You are informed that all the data that PROTEGEN requests or may request are necessary for the purposes described in this privacy policy and failure to provide them would mean the impossibility to contact you or manage the request you make to PROTEGEN. Likewise, PROTEGEN reserves the right not to answer or process requests that do not include the requested data.
You guarantee the accuracy of the personal data provided to PROTEGEN. PROTEGEN may periodically request you to review and update the personal data it holds about you.
On the Website you can find information that may be useful to be informed about the services offered by PROTEGEN, as well as information related to the company. In this sense, PROTEGEN will only request and process the data necessary to initiate and maintain a commercial and/or contractual relationship with you, to provide you with the contracted service, and/or, if applicable, to offer you information about the company that may be of interest to you, either as a customer, potential customer, supplier or potential supplier or shareholder.
The following is a description of the different purposes for which your personal data is processed and the bases that legitimize the processing, according to the different categories of interested parties mentioned:

2.1. If you are a client or potential client of PROTEGEN

The following is a description of the different purposes for which your personal data are processed and the bases that legitimize the processing, in case you are a customer or potential customer:

i.Legitimacy for the execution of the service contract between you and PROTEGEN or application of pre-contractual measures:

a. Manage the commercial relationship with potential customers, making sales visits and responding to requests for information on products and services offered by PROTEGEN.
b. Formalize the contractual relationship, which will include the contracting process and signing of contracts.
c. Manage the contractual relationship with PROTEGEN Group’s customers and ensure the provision of the contracted services, which includes assistance in installation and technical service, as well as billing, collection and cancellation of the same.

ii.Legitimation by express consent:

a. Sending commercial communications related to different products and services to those contracted, by any means, including electronic, from PROTEGEN and its Group of companies dedicated to basic logistics services to the outsourcing of high value-added services.
b. Transfer of data to PROTEGEN Group companies and third parties in order to send commercial communications.

iii. Legitimacy for legitimate interests of PROTEGEN:

a. Sending commercial communications related to similar products and services of PROTEGEN by any means. In this case the legitimate interest of PROTEGEN is based on keeping you informed and updated about products or services that may be of interest.
b. Consult public databases of economic solvency to verify if you are up to date with your payments, if you have unpaid debts and if you had them in the past how long it took to pay them, which will simplify and facilitate the risk analysis procedure when contracting. In this case, PROTEGEN’s legitimate interest would be to preserve the security of its operations and prevent fraud.
c. Carry out business process automation projects to improve the products and services offered by PROTEGEN. The legitimate interest in this case would be to improve the efficiency and productivity of PROTEGEN’s activity.
d. Perform profiling based on your personal data, to calculate the predisposition to purchase other products or contract other services, the propensity to cancel the contracted services and the assignment of an evaluation for the sole purpose of performing commercial actions.

2.2. In the event that you are a supplier or potential supplier of PROTEGEN

On the Website you can find information that may be useful to be informed about PROTEGEN’s activity. For this purpose, if you are or represent a supplier or a potential supplier of PROTEGEN and decide to contact the company, the data that will be processed will be those necessary to initiate and maintain a contractual relationship with you, whether you are an individual entrepreneur or the company you represent.
The following is a description of the different purposes for which your personal data are processed and the bases that justify their processing:

i.Legitimacy for the execution of the contract with PROTEGEN or application of pre-contractual measures:

a. Manage the commercial relationship with potential suppliers, responding to requests for information.
b. Formalize the contractual relationship, which will include the contracting process and signing of contracts.
c. Manage the contractual relationship with suppliers of the PROTEGEN Group, which includes monitoring the relationship and payment to them.

ii.Legitimation by express consent:

a. Sending commercial communications related to different products and services by any means, including electronic, from P PROTEGEN and its Group of companies dedicated to basic logistics services up to outsourcing of high value-added services.
b. Transfer of data to companies of the PROTEGEN Group and to third parties for the purpose of sending commercial communications.

iii. Legitimacy for legitimate interests of PROTEGEN:
a. Sending commercial communications related to similar products and services of PROTEGEN by any means. In this case the legitimate interest of PROTEGEN is based on keeping you informed and updated about products or services that may be of interest.

2.3. In the event that you are a PROTEGEN shareholder

In these cases PROTEGEN will process your data as a shareholder with the main purpose of carrying out the necessary actions to manage the relationship with you, including providing you with relevant information about the company and complying with legal requirements in this area.
Below is a description of the different purposes for which your personal data is processed and the bases that legitimize the processing:

i.Legitimacy for the execution of the contract with PROTEGEN or application of pre-contractual measures.:

a. Manage the relationship with you as a shareholder, responding to requests for information, including monitoring the relationship.
b. Formalize the relationship with you as a shareholder, which will include the process of buying and selling shares and signing contracts.

ii.Legitimacy for compliance with legal obligations PROTEGEN:
a.Comply with legal obligations and requirements in this area, which require the processing of your personal data, in accordance with your status as a shareholder.

iii. Legitimation by express consent:

a. Sending commercial communications by any means, including electronic, of PROTEGEN products and services, other than those related to the logistics sector, transport and cash management.
b. Transfer of data to PROTEGEN Group companies and third parties for the purpose of sending commercial communications in the security, logistics, transport and cash management sectors.

iv. Legitimacy for legitimate interests of PROTEGEN:

To provide you with relevant information about the company, taking into account your status as a shareholder. In this case PROTEGEN’s legitimate interest is based on keeping you informed and updated on relevant aspects of the company that may be of interest.
b. Sending commercial communications by any means, including electronic, of PROTEGEN products and services, those related to the logistics sector, transport and cash management, which may be of interest to you due to your status as shareholder.


The personal data you provide to PROTEGEN may be disclosed to the following categories of recipients:

– Third parties to whom PROTEGEN is obliged to transmit information, such as public authorities, in order to comply with the requirements of such authorities and the applicable regulations, as the case may be.

-Companies that are part of the PROTEGEN Group, in order to properly manage their contractual relationship as a result of the centralization of administrative and IT processes within the PROTEGEN Group..

    We inform you that PROTEGEN Group may have companies outside the Argentine Republic. In such cases, the entity requires that such companies comply with the measures designed to protect personal data established in a binding contract, except in cases where Argentine law has determined that the country where the recipient is located provides an adequate level of protection of personal data.

    4.Data Conservation

    The criteria that PROTEGEN uses to set the retention periods of your data have been determined in accordance with the requirements established in the applicable legislation, regulations and normative guidelines, as well as the operational requirements of PROTEGEN related to the proper management of the relationship with its customers and/or potential customers.
    Your data will not be kept for a period longer than that determined according to the duration of your relationship with PROTEGEN and the periods established by law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that there is an ongoing procedural proceeding in relation to you, your data may be retained for the additional time necessary until a final judicial decision is obtained. Once this period is over, your data will be deleted.

    5.Your Data Protection Rights

    You may contact PROTEGEN whenever you wish, and you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, updating and deletion, as well as the right to the portability of your data and not to be subject to automated decisions, by means of a request addressed to
    PROTEGEN SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES, with legal address at Avenida Don Bosco 1019, Bahia Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires, or to the following e-mail address:, enclosing a copy of your ID card or documentation proving your identity.

    You are also informed that you may revoke the consents granted whenever you wish, by contacting PROTEGEN at the address or e-mail address indicated above.
    Finally, should you require further information about your data protection rights or should you need to file a complaint, you may contact the corresponding Control Authority. The Agency for Access to Public Information, in its capacity as Control Authority of Law No. 25,326, is responsible for dealing with complaints and claims filed by those whose rights are affected by non-compliance with the regulations in force regarding personal data protection.

    6.Data Security

    PROTEGEN has appropriate policies and technical and organizational measures in place to safeguard and protect your personal data against unlawful or unauthorized access, accidental loss or destruction, damage, unlawful or unauthorized use and disclosure.
    We will also take all reasonable precautions to ensure that our staff and employees who have access to your personal data have received appropriate training.
    In any event, you are advised that any transmission of data over the Internet is not completely secure and, as such, is at your own risk. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, PROTEGEN cannot guarantee the security of personal data transmitted through our Website.
    In any case, the user is informed that any transmission of data over the Internet is not completely secure and, as such, is done at your own risk. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, PROTEGEN cannot guarantee the security of personal data transmitted through our Website.

    © 2019 PROTEGEN INTEGRAL SOLUTIONS. All rights reserved.